[Dreams] Of baking and such

Apr 24, 2011 09:10

Was out walking around on a weekend. Spent a lot of time hanging out by myself. Then I went to catch a Suju concert. The concert had just four words but I can’t remember the name at all.

Before I went to the concert I happened to meet some friends at a bakery. The bakery was outside in this 3 storey building. Climbing up to it was no easy task, but there was a stairway that made it easier. I romised the friends I met there that I would meet with them for dinner.

Then I went to the concert. After showing my ticket, I sat down in this examination-type room, where we could see Suju. There was a wooden table in front of me, so I put my laptop bag down and began writing in a notebook. I was writing about the concert when this security guy came up to me and said that he needed to search my bag. I protested weakly but he did it anyway and took away my laptop, promising that I could take my lappie back once the concert was over.

After the concert I immediately went out for dinner and forgot about the laptop. At the same time, I was also rushing cause I just “knew” that the bakery where I had met my friends earlier was going to be burnt down by sinster forces (?). So I went to meet up with my friends, who did not tell me about the bakery, even though I knew they were there when it happened.

I excused myself midway through dinner instead to rush and get my laptop from the security. In the process I was reminding myself that the bakery was where they had the security station, so I would need to go through the mall to get to the bakery. I met two dear friends there (Whose names and faces I can actually remember here) and then went to the bakery.

I remember having to climb up some places and had one spot where my hair actually brushed against the ground to get to the bakery. Then I woke up.

Original entry as appearing at Ink to Screen.


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