[Travel] Penang Trip!

Dec 08, 2009 13:22

I definitely have the writing bug bad. Stay away from writing for a few days and already I can feel the itch. So here, have a brief report of my trip to Penang! Pictures to follow later, cause I was lazy and tired during the whole trip.

Bro and me didn’t really get much sleep the night before the flight. A 6.55am flight usually means that you need to be at the airport by about five thirty, so we were up by three and out of the house at four thirty.

Landed at Penang Airport at around eight am and what a difference! Even though the weather was a bit cloudy, there was a hint of a gorgeous sunrise that greeted me. I missed the sunrise, and more importantly I missed the sun. Klang Valley’s been shrouded in clouds the past week.

I dropped off my baggage at the Sunway Hotel in Seberang Prai and had a late breakfast with Raven and Seo at a nearby McD. Then we visited the new Sunway Carnival Mall with the two boys insisting that it was much smaller than the one in Bandar Sunway PJ. I tend to agree.

With two hours I managed to get myself a nice pantyhose for my dress and thigh high for the other dress. I also found a nice pair of shoes from Hush Puppies. The shoes were brown and in my size. I’d first seen them in One U, but they did not have the colour I want (bright pink is kinda hard to match, don’t you think?)

So after a while, we picked up YY from her work place, had lunch and then rushed to the hotel to check in. A quick shower, clothes testing and few hours later, Raven picked us up to go to Zero’s bachelor party.

I’ll say this: The discussion about duties at the wedding reception on Sunday resembled a war meeting. Seriously, the way Zero, Raven, Seo, Kenny, Brian and Steven leant into the table while talking made it seem like a tactical meeting.

We finished midnight, then Raven sent us back to the hotel. Slept till six, got up, showered, put on make-up, got dressed, and then we were off to Zero’s place. We reached there around eight and sat down to wait while the groom got ready.

I like Zero’s house; it’s large and comfy (he’s something of a mecha fan while his wife is a Doraemon otaku, cute right?). The house was done in cottage style- I don’t think it will remain too empty for too long.

I went with YY to SS’s room once we reached the bride’s place. You see, YY’s BF, Raven, was part of the groom entourage while YY’s one of SS’ good friends. So once we reached the house, we left the boys downstairs to settle the wedding games and we came upstairs.

SS was really looking forward to her marriage; she even said once while we were waiting for the boys that she was ready for this; she was ready to be his wife.

The wedding party left the house rather late, but we got there ok. By that time, most of us, including me, Seo, YY and Raven had minor headaches from standing in the heat too long (I think it was humid+sun that did that). Well, in between running errands, getting harassed by random people during the errand and then going back to the hotel to rest, I think I was ill. I had a massive migraine and it wouldn’t go away till dinner.

After parking the car for the reception, I threw up whatever little I had eaten throughout the day into the drain. After the third round and seeing myself throw up something red and round, I realised I felt much better.

Dinner was an interesting affair. I like the Ricoh camera one of the girls was using and I had some really nice yummy and mushy brains (aka otak-otak in Malay).

We then adjourned to Zero’s house for random chatting sessions, more pics, and figuring out what was happening the next day.

Monday (yesterday) woke up to have breakfast, then checked out, watched 2012, wrote part of this entry at the airport and took the flight back home. The night lights in KL and Penang are nothing short of gorgeous.

I miss Penang already. Wanted to try a lot of stuff (which I didn’t get the chance cause most of the time I was at Zero’s or SS’ place and there was food heh) like the wet Char Koay Teow and the nasi lemak goreng. Ah well next time.

Original entry as appearing at Reach Into Your Soul.


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