Birthday Sighs

Jun 12, 2009 19:40

The below was a rant I wrote about happenings on my birthday. After reading through it, I realised, there’s no use dwelling on the negatives. Really, what does it get you? At the end of the day, what matters are the people I had fun with, so thank you to all my lovely colleagues who celebrated with me, to all the IRC-ians who gave me wishes and presents, and to my family (parents and aunts/uncles and cousins) for being the people they are. More importantly, thank you to all my friends who stood by me and remembered my birthday. >< I apologise if I forget yours.

You can’t choose your relatives, but you can choose how to react to them. And really, is it so bad to be considerate?

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Original entry as appearing at Broken Shield and Sword.

family, rants-angsty

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