[Politics/Governance] TERESA KOK ARRESTED??

Sep 13, 2008 01:02

According to Malaysiakini, Teresa Kok, the Seputeh Parliamentarian and one of the more outspoken members of DAP, currently an opposition party, has been arrested under the ISA. No reason has been given.

Full news article under the cut, but dear God and Goddess, please, not OPS LALANG II!

DAP leader Teresa Kok has also been detained under the Internal Security Act - the third person to be detained without trial today.

It is learnt that the Selangor senior executive councillor and Seputeh parliamentarian was stopped by the police at about 11.18pm on her way back from a function in Kuala Lumpur.

She was arrested after her vehicle was blocked by three police patrol cars.

Deputy inspector-general of police Ismail Omar said that Kok’s arrest was made under Section 73(1) of the Act.

In Penang, chief minister and DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said the party would be holding an emergency meeting tomorrow to discuss the matter.

Earlier today, Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamaruddin and Sin Chew Daily journalist Tan Hoon Cheng were also arrested under the Act.

Originally published at Broken Shield and Sword. Please leave any comments there.

governance, politics, livejournal

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