[SP] The Leviathan Chronicles

Jul 16, 2008 08:55

This post was sponsored by the Leviathan Chronicles.

I’m not a fan of water-borne adventures. I’m also not that big a fan of podcasts, because my connection doesn’t really allow for length streaming. Downloads are pretty erratic though, even though smaller files do get transferred very quickly.

So when I received an email about the Leviathan Chronicles from Social Spark, I approached it cautiously. I was hooked from the moment it said Science Fiction though.

The summary of the first chapter talks about a Chinese submarine undertaking a stealth mission to the Mariana Trench. As violent as the waves were above, so were they below.

Evil Undertow is the name of this chapter. While the narrator’s opening remarks were nothing to shout about (in fact her accent was a little annoying) the voice acting is rather good. Within a few moments, I felt that I was watching a movie rather than listening to one.

I’m actually pleasantly surprised by the quality, but in my defense, I’ve never actually heard an ebook before, and the only podcast I’d listened to before this was one done by Sashi and Dzof many years back.

As I’m rushing for work, I can’t give the whole series a full review. What I can say is that it seems very promising and delightfully intriguing. I’ve been in the mood for some good science fiction lately, and the Leviathan Chronicles looks like an appetising treat.

If you’re a fan of science fiction and need something to listen to on the go, the drop by the Leviathan Chronicles. It’ll make for an interesting ride!

Originally published at Broken Shield and Sword. Please leave any comments there.


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