Answering Machine

Jan 15, 2015 16:48


Hie! You've reached Naoko, Sukina, Celeste and Kurei!!! We're not around right now, but you can leave a message specifying who it is that you want to talk to after the beep and we'll get right back to you!

Ja Ne!!!


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Comments 39

buster_wolfa October 21 2005, 17:57:20 UTC

Hey, kiddos! Terry here. *crackles, BG sounds of Terry cursing crackles* Er, where's that little entry ya wrote about the PM's wife? My boy here is a *crackle* little curious.

And My condolences to your mun's country's loss. *crackle* I know how it feels.

Now excuse me, while Max, Derek and *crackle* I go toe-to-toe with some uglies. *sounds of machine gun fire, explosions and slashings in the background erupting* God damn them ug--



mistressnaoko October 21 2005, 18:16:11 UTC
*Kicks the mun for forgetting*

She's posted it. In her Geminian Eyes.




buster_wolfa October 21 2005, 18:28:20 UTC
*Ducks attack, finishes off ugly, and quickly sends SMS*

What Wer is that blogspot He said he didnt see anything. send sms and show him where

*SMS ends*


mistressnaoko October 21 2005, 18:32:02 UTC


zhilbar December 24 2005, 17:24:09 UTC
Appearing by Naoko-chan as she slept, Zhilbar smiled, kissing her softly as He twined a pendant in her fingers, with attached note 'From dragon, with love.'

... )


zhilbar December 28 2005, 17:00:46 UTC
((By the way, interested in this being a paid account?))


zhilbar December 28 2005, 17:01:09 UTC
((Because I'm offering, that is.))


OOC mistressnaoko December 28 2005, 19:03:47 UTC

However, while I would like that, I don't use LJ so often these days. Thank you dear friend, but I'm sorry to say no. It's a great offer though!

*Tacklehugs again!*


Re: OOC zhilbar December 28 2005, 19:20:04 UTC
*Is tackleglomped and hugged, eep!*

This I have noticed, woe! Ah, well. Too bad I didn't offer earlier!


divabat February 1 2007, 05:03:23 UTC

Upon a very special night... zhilbar December 31 2008, 02:15:44 UTC
Zhilbar smiled, offering up a box to Naoko. "Just another token of love and regard, darling."

And inside the box?

... )


Re: Upon a very special night... mistressnaoko January 2 2009, 03:19:19 UTC
*Melts into the embrace of her lover* Thank you very much, dear one.

*Offers shyly a small pouch. Within it, there is a small gem, where a single strand of white hair is entwined with a similar strand of dark red*

The hairs belonged to my parents... it's customary for an Alin'sa to gift such a token if she wishes to.. pledge herself to just one partner.


...UM. zhilbar January 2 2009, 23:30:56 UTC
A broad, doting smile creased His lips as He held her close, relishing the feel, the smell of her in His arms like that... then He reluctantly disengaged, to see what she wished Him to have.

Ooh, pretty! Interesting effect, makes sense as a ceremonial offeringWHAT DID SHE JUST SAY.

Gently removing the symbol, He stared at it... and then stared at her. "Naoko... Does this mean what I hope it means?"

The look on His face is quite interestingly at odds with His words, though.


Re: ...UM. mistressnaoko January 3 2009, 00:39:15 UTC
*Goes completely red*

Not marriage but... a commitment to each other in lieu of that? The Alin'sa... don't really believe in marriages. *Doesn't look at him at ALL*


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