Oh my god, I'm never going through this again...

Oct 16, 2004 09:24

Okay, so I thought I could do all the planning for my wedding myself. I was told that I would have a great sense of accomplishment by doing it all myself. What they didn't count on was the fact that I have not the mental stability to do so! Pardon me, it's been a crazy month.
Everyone knows that paying for a wedding is difficult, and that's one of the things that I have had to deal with, though it was not the hardest thing to deal with. The roughest part of this has been the friends that have walked away from us in the past few months and seem to be even further pushed away by our wedding. ~shrugs~ Carlos is finally getting his stuff done, but only through careful prodding and help from Fred. Thank GODS for FRED!!! He's helped to pick up almost everything that I have not been able to take care of myself. The food... the music... the groom... ;) All in all, it's working out alright.
The past few days could be described as trying to say the least. Wednesday, I received a phone call telling me that our honeymoon would not be occuring until the middle of December, due to drydocking the ship for hurricane repairs. They told me it wasn't their problem and that was the best they could do for me. I cried, then I called my dad who took care of everything. He chided, persuaded and handled them very well and got us another, but shorter cruise to another island in the Bahamas, and since it was a shorter trip, they are also giving us an extra day of hotel stay in Ft. Lauderdale. Does anyone know if there is anything to do in Ft. Lauderdale?
Thursday I received a phone call at 7:45am from Cheryl telling me that someone had called her at my old address and left a message on her machine that he had found my wallet with my credit cards and ids in it and that I should call him to get it back. I tried to do so but got no answer. 1 hour later I received a phone call from the bank. I had over $800 in charged on my card and Carlos' in less than 24 hours. Like I need this shit! My bank is taking care of it and hopefully all the $ will be back in my account by tonight so that I can go out and have a good time with the ladies who will be joining me for my bachelorette party. We're going to dinner at Don Pablo's at 6pm tonight and will decide once there whether or not we feel up to going to City Walk to go dancing all night.
Oh, did I mention that my Matron of honor's 2 month old daughter went into the hospital last night with a 104.1 temp? She's being kept overnight and this just adds to all of our stress, but will also be a deciding factor in whether or not we go dancing. Regardless, it has to be better than the last bachelorette party when everyone backed out on us and I ended up getting ice cream with Carrie and Tammy for my celebration. :P
On another note, there are some who will either be unable to attend, or will only be attending for part of the evening, and I have but one thing to say to all of you. Call ME! Thank you. Ciao
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