So, this weekend we're going to The Laughing Hyena (a comedy club in downtown Ft. Worth) to see....yesssss....Tommy Chong. In case you don't know who that is....first, BOOOOOO and a thumbs down to you for not knowing. Second....he's in Cheech and Chong. We just found out yesterday that he'll be there and its only like $18 to get in. Drinks and such are uber expensive, but that's okay. I told Jason that I'm gonna talk to him after the show and ask him if he wants to smoke a joint with me. (side note: Please no comments about me being bad/wrong for smoking pot. Yes. I'm a pothead. And? Please, please don't make me go on a rant about pot and the fact that there's nothing wrong with smoking it and its not a dangerous/bad/"gateway" drug unless your stupid. I smoke it everyday and still manage to be an active and productive member of society. I obey the law. I go to work. I consider myself to be a fairly intelligent person. I'm a good parent. As long as you know that there is a time and a place...I see nothing wrong with it. I guess that was kind of a rant. erm...sorry.) Jason said I couldn't 'cause he's afraid I'll get in trouble :-/ Anyhoo, I'm excited! I was upset because we missed Pauly Shore when he was there and I really really wanted to go, but this will make up for it.
Oooo, we are finally gonna go see Willy Wonka tomorrow night. I'm excited about that too. Ugh...I gotta be at work at 7 tomorrow. That's AM by the way...just to clarify. :-/ 7......AM.....blarg. That means I have to be up at 5:30 and out the door by 6. I'm not a morning person. 5:30 AM on a Saturday is like the middle of the night for me. If I don't have to be up...I wanna sleep until 10 at least...preferably noon.
I wanna go see some of our friends this weekend. We haven't seen any of them in a while. It seems like sinse we got married and had Trent-O, we don't hang out with everyone as much. We haven't seen the band play in ages. Last time, I think, was Scotty's birthday party...when I got into a fight and hit that girl with a bottle of rum... :-/ yeah.... They've played quite a few time sinse then. I feel bad that we don't go and support them more, but most places we still have to pay to get in and such and we just don't have the extra money to go all the time. Just looked at
their site and they don't have any new dates up yet. We missed their July 10th show at Dreamworld (a club in Arlington which is kind of a subsidiary of Dallas). Anyhoo, we haven't seen our friends in a while and I wanna go see some of them.
Oh wow, I was just looking around and found where Scotty's (the guy mentioned above whose birthday party we attended) sister posts all the pics she takes of the parties (she's kinda weird and always takes pics at his parties and then puts them up on her site). Its cool though 'cause now I can look at them. Woot! I'm gonna put some here. Check behind the cut for pics. There's like 13 pics.
This is when we first got there. I'm in the green shirt, looking a bit chunky :-/. Jason has the red bandana. The rest are guys from the band--Roger, Bea and Canadian(who is no longer in the band).
I don't know who wrote this....but, they really need spelling lessons. :D
This is the birthday boy, Scotty with some kind of alcohol he received as a gift.
This guy wasted no time getting started. Beer Bong! (Notice the "Rehab is for Quitters" t-shirt he has on)
Jason decided he would give the beer bong a try. WoOt!
This guy looks just a little bit drunk.
Then the band went on. This is David. Obviously, he is the singer.
Here's me again, in the middle, listening to the band.
David again, doing his thing.
Me again, listening to the band, looking kinda funny. I'm more than a little drunk here and I'm holding the infamous rum bottle that would later (about 30 minutes) be used as a weapon.
Here's Roger aka Farva, lead guitarist for the band. He's screaming...'cause he also does back-up vocals. I <3 Roger. He's my favorite friend of Jason's and for some reason he always likes to call me Joseph.
Here is a bunch of drunk people trying to mosh to the band in Scotty's living room :-/ You can see my shoulder and arm in the bottom right and someone else's arms trying to push people away so I wouldn't get hit. That was sweet of them :-)
And finally, we have the loud mouth, very drunk and cracked out cunt that I hit with my rum bottle...repeatedly. Ahhhh, the memories.
Note: In case you didn't read my prior post on that night's events, you may be thinking I'm some bitch who just likes to fight people. Well, that's not true. She deserved it. I'm really a very sweet person. For the full story on why I hit someone with a bottle of rum, please refer
here. Thanks. :D
So, there you have it. Yay!!! Hope that was entertaining.
Aha ahahaha. Jason just called me to tell me that Vanilla Ice is playing at the Curtain Club in Dallas tonight. Yes...I said Vanilla Ice. Hilarious! I wanna go. LMAO. I really wanna go. So many interesting things going on this weekend. Hmmm.
Okay, well this is a really long post. I'm gonna go on break now.