rolling over the miles

Mar 15, 2007 14:12

I hit ten thousand pictures on my camera. I'm so proud. The ten thousandth picture was Riley being bonked in the head by a stuffed fish that moos, which sums up pretty much my entire life. Dog. Fish. Mooo. Whap. Gimme.

Yesterday, in the car (my mother's car, as mine is still dead, and hers is worlds nicer anyway, being newer and having air conditioning and, y'know, also working) I kept hearing this tick. I started counting it down like the time between lightning and thunder, and it was ticking just once, every five seconds. It sounded like it was coming from the steering column. I learned quickly that it was not: the air conditioner, the radio, the keys hitting anything, the loose glovebox door (which does rattle sometimes), or anything that could be solved by hitting the door, the steering wheel, or the dashboard.

It kinda went like this: Sweet home Alabam- TICK -a! Doot do do doot do do TICK do do! Where the skies are TICK so blue! ba da da bom ba TICK da da boom ba Sweet home TICK Alabama! Doot do do do do TICK do I'll be comin' home for you TICK do do, beeew weeeew wheee-ooo TICK whee whee-oo whee-o weer weee TICK wee dee dee der doot do dee, doot TICK doot dee doot do dee bum-da TICK da daaaaaaaaa

So I'm driving, and in Birmingham they love the guv'nor, and this fucking car sounds like a really slow time bomb, and I'm wondering what it would be like if the alternator spontaneously exploded right in my lap. I realize I'm so peeved I'm speeding and passing everyone on the road, so I look down at the speedometer.

And then I see it. I see something, a little twitch of motion where things shouldn't be twitching like that. I glance back down. Twitch. TICK. Twitch. TICK. The trip odometer was stuck at 203 and some-tenths of a mile and the tenths wheel could not roll over. But it tried. It tried real hard. And it ticked every time it didn't work. I hit the little button to reset it and was rewarded with silence.

Lord I'm comin' home to you here I come doot beew wheeer wheee-ooooo

only me, cars, wacky machinery

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