(no subject)

Aug 16, 2010 10:12

wishing our car was in better shape. the alternator belt squeals anytime we have to use any electronic device (headlights, a/c, windshield wipers). i've been wanting to take a drive up the coast before summer is over. before fall sets in. because i'd like to take another then too. if erik were to go with me, it wouldn't be a big deal. but i'm kind of afraid of getting stranded three hours from home by myself.

watched "Creation" yesterday with erik while lazing the day away on the couch, recouping from saturday's show. it was based on the life of Darwin, especially pertaining to the death of his daughter. i never knew anything about the man himself, just his studies and theories. some of the sets made me want to work on my wunderkammer again.

the conversation on drinking and performing that i've started amongst dance friends on FB is going nicely. most of the instructors that i've asked have said that they forbid drinking before, during or after a performance. once the dancer is in street clothes, then they are free to do as they like. but are still expected to conduct themselves with decorum while representing their dance school. glad to know i'm not being too strict. i know a lot of people have different opinions on drinking, so i was a little worried that maybe my history was clouding my judgment. the last school that i was a part of would pass around flasks backstage and it was recommended in class that students have a drink to loosen up. so, again, i was questioning myself. i'm really glad i asked around... no more self doubt! thanks tempest and megan for weighing in :)

didn't sleep well last night... creative juices were flowing. i'm working on restructuring troupe rehearsals and classes and kept coming up with ideas. wish i'd had the sense to just get out of bed and write them down. but i was trying to force myself to sleep. never works though... i should really know better by now!

i have the next *three* mondays and *two* tuesdays off at the YMCA. i'm also taking the week of labor day off of my other classes. it will be good to take a little break. i have some things i want to get done around the house, like setting up my crafting room now that we got rid of our extra bed. kendra has a sewing table she's giving me that will fit nicely into the space. i also need a dresser for costume storage. being a tribal dancer, i have so many costume odds & ends! sometimes it think it would just be easier to go orientale. then i could just hang my costume on a hanger and be done with it!

the garden is finally producing tomatoes and peppers. although, i didn't stake the tomato plants and they're drooping to the ground, making delicious noms for slugs. i haven't gotten even one good tomato yet. the mosquitoes are *HORRIBLE* this year, so i haven't spent much time in the back yard at all. which is disappointing, as i had so many plans!

we've agreed with patty to move by april 1st, since she and steve split up. she's living in our house in paw paw and we're living in her house in kzoo. so i think we'll probably just switch houses at that point. unless we sell our house before then... then who knows? maybe we'll just move to san francisco at that time. i've worked hard and built something beautiful here in kzoo, but i want to see the world and i've seen all of it within a six hour drive of here. if we do end up moving to paw paw, we'll have a huge house and yard. the only downside will be how expensive the drive back and forth will be. well that, and winter driving! we'd be closer to my mom, my dad and his mom too, all which have pros and cons of their own. all in all, i'm not that upset about the move. it's really cool that she's giving us that kind of notice too.

being so busy this summer, i've really had a *horrible* diet! i've taken to eating fast food pretty often and only cooking at home three or four nights a week. i already have issues with losing the weight i have, even when i eat well and exercise on top of dancing non-stop. i don't need to keep sabotaging myself in the name of convenience. i've got to put together a plan that works with my crazy wack schedule. got to, got to, got to!!!

came across a group on FB that is in memory of a kid i knew in elementary school. i guess he passed away in 2006. looks like something drug or alcohol related. his name was matt obrien. he moved away when we were pretty young, so my only memories are of him picking on me all of the time. one time a bunch of us were running around and around in a circle (bored kid fun!!!) and he tripped me, making me fall face first onto cement steps. my nose started bleeding and bleeding and wouldn't stop all afternoon. it's a pretty vivid memory for me. i'm sure he grew up to be an ok guy. i don't mean to imply that i thought he deserved to die or anything... it's just my clearest memory of him.

i feel like i could write and write this morning... i should probably stop though and go take a nap. something tells me my students will be bouncing off the walls tonight after the show this weekend :)
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