Captain Peekaboo

Jul 10, 2006 00:06

So I have decided to adopt a new baby. A baby kitty cat that is.Eva has this friend Ellen who is a very kind hearted woman and takes in dozens of stray cats and dogs. So anyways she took in this little kitten not long ago who had obviously been abused and his little eyeball was hanging out of his eye socket.....So being the good natured soul that Ellen is she rushed him to the vet not thinking that he could be saved she thought maybe she could just put him out of his misery.

Well to make a long story short he was saved and the eye was removed. When i heard the story i decided that i had to give him a home. So today Eva is brinig him down to meet Jxxr and Crolwer that is.... I've already chosen a name. I'm going to call him Captain Peekaboo. I bought him some kitty goodies and a collar....i hope that he will be happy with us....

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