Jon is in Colorado again, and he's coming back tonight. I've been generally productive this week in his absence, but today, I'm really rocking it. In addition to keeping my toddler from maiming, concussing, or otherwise gravely injuring herself (a challenge on its own), I have:
--done three loads of laundry (my bed linens, Eleanor's bed linens, bathroom towels)
--done the dishes
--prepared a nutritious lunch for Eleanor and myself
--shoveled the driveway, the front steps, the sidewalk, and part of the neighbors' sidewalks
--finished making holiday cards, which I am now preparing to send
--tidied and vacuumed the living room
--made the bed
--wrote a blog post (not this one; the other one)
--cleaned out the stuff from under the couch cushions
--taken out the trash
Before he's home, I will have also made dinner, bathed Eleanor, changed probably the seventh diaper of the day, and maybe even cleaned a little of the birdcages.
It's kind of like this: