To quote our former governor, "It's fucking golden."

May 15, 2011 21:34

I won a prize for the research I presented at the art history symposium! There's a humorous trophy involved--a slide carousel spray-painted gold with a plaque attached--and a check in the mail. While it was a small-ish group presenting on Friday, I still feel like the win says a lot of good things about my research. One of the panelists is very respected in the art history field, having just returned from a sabbatical where she did a fellowship with the Smithsonian. If she thinks my research is good, I must have a decent chance at this, right? Right?

The money is supposed to help the prizewinner do whatever is necessary to finish the research and/or submit it for publication. While I want to get it published, of course, really I am just happy that I'll recoup some of the costs of printing everything out (color images are like 34 cents each at kinko's!) and binding it.

I also interviewed at a gallery yesterday and was invited back for a sort-of second interview. Next week I have another interview, then in early June I have one for an internship in the spring. I am also preparing for the GRE and making a spreadsheet of all my options to help me figure out to what programs I will send those scores.

Plus, now I have business cards. They say "art historian."

So, yeah, Operation Don't Fail At Life has really started moving again. All of those moments of "WTF, I am 27 (or however old; I have been having these for years) and I don't have my degree yet!" are soon going to be replaced by "WTF, why did I decide to go to grad school at this age!" moments, which I think will feel a lot better. It will help prepare me for being the oldest person at entry-level in my first real fine arts job, and for being the oldest mom on the playground, and being the oldest person in the Chicago metro area to still pick her nose in the shower. Well, ok, I am already used to that one....
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