Wishing all of you a blessed Winter holiday Season!

Dec 23, 2007 08:48

We (my coven and friends/family) had a wonderful Solstice/Full Moon ritual Friday night with an all night fire vigil to sing up the sun and make sure that the Sun was indeed "born again" after the endless night.

Good times were had, ritual drama, magick, gifts, lots of good food, wine, sacred herbs, hot tubbing, movies, dice games, smiles and laughter and general light heartedness and fun were all in abundance.

Thank you to all who shared it and for all of you who I don't see and/or talk to all that often -- I wish you a peaceful, healthy, joyous, prosperous and love filled 2008! May you get everything you want and want everything you get!

It was a perfect Yule celebration and I feel blessed to have such a fabulous group of friends to share it with!

Love, MD.

sg, ritual, yule, party.

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