Yeah, I know. I dont update so much. guess there isnt much to say.
i've been reeeeeally moody as of late. it's been kinda crazy...poor jeff. sorry love! i dont mean to be like this!!! i've been really sleepy too, it's like i cant sleep ever anymore... XP
maybe it's cuz my mum wont answer my calls. we kinda sorta got into another argument, and i just couldnt listen to her...i mean, she just kept talking loudly and was all irritated and was saying some kind of hurtful, you're not my daughter, i should have pretended that i didnt have a daughter when you left, stuff like that...just, really driving me crazy and pushing my buttons kinds of i kinda hung up with her. now she wont answer. i dunno what to do. plus she said she would pay off my college tuition, and now...i just dont know anymore.
anyway, jeff and i are doing pretty well. we are sooooooooooooooo in love XD =P we went to the mall on sunday, i got the chemical wedding poster
aint it purdy?! and i hung it up in his room XD
his birthday was this past tuesday lol i got him his tripp's pretty sweet, kinda like an all black civil war jacket type thing...makes me think of My Chem...and i got this neat dragon sculpture from spencers for his room, it's all hung up now and looks awesome (i stuck a fake rose that jeff got me in it's mouth XD) and i got him cheesecake (that i had tony make seeing as how i told him i wasnt making him anything) and his new fave ice cream, cheesecake brownie from ben and jerrys. pretty good stuff. and then we...ya know. actually, we didnt do anything on his birthday...too busy and all. OH and we went to see ironman, which was fuckin rad...i wish i was a super genius XD
altho, sometimes i wonder if i'll ever be able to stop thinking about calla and's like it's stuck in my head and wont ever let go, which is so dumb, cuz it's not the same thing for him, he doesnt worry about my past at all...which makes me wonder if i'm just really dumb.
plus i think i pissed mary off...ya know, she's got this garden going...personally, i'm not sure if it's even gonna work, but she wanted me to help this one day, and i really just hadnt been feeling up to it...but jeff kinda made us...i had just wanted to relax with him when he had gotten outta work, so i decided to be all evil and upset, and pissed off mostly with jeff, not mary...but you know, i think she's ad at me...ah well...i should prolly apologize at some point...
another thing on my mind recently...and it was jeff's granny tibbets that made me think of it...we were talking about all the recent natural disasters, and she said something about how these were the last days according the bible and such...and it just made me think about it...and now it kinda bothers me...and scares me, too...but it's alright, for now. i've got my jeff with me, and thats all that matters...