Mar 30, 2004 20:35
I think this is going to become a "bitch about my mom journal". I came down from a nap and my god, it's like 100 degrees in the house. I didn't say anything until she mentioned that she had to jack up the heat because of my brother's shoes that are drying on the rad. So I said, "Why should the rest of us be punished?!" So she went on about some bullshit and then she said that the other two kids just showered. And then she had the nerve to say "You know what you're like when you get out of the bath, oh wait, no you don't. It's not like you bathe all that often." Like fuck off bitch. Oh no, every other day, and occasionally every 3rd day is soooooooooo bad. I mean, I don't go anywhere, and I don't do any major exercising so I don't sweat and I don't get dirty. So I don't find it necessary to wash my hair every frickin' day. Then she has the nerve of saying "it's not always about you". I'm sorry, but I was really hot, so I just stated I was boiling and all of a sudden it's all about me!
She's been fucking grumpy all day. She's working graveyard this week and I guess she didn't get enough sleep at work (yeah, she sleeps at work, I just wish she'd have to actually do a real graveyard shift). I mean, I don't go to bed until the sun comes up because I'm afraid, and I admit it. She doesn't fucking get it and she's gotten on my case about it so many times, I wish she would just drop it. Anyway, she bought some shit to make chicken tortillas, but she didn't get one of those kits, so I was wondering how she'd cook the chicken so it wouldn't just be plain chicken. Now, instead of going to the store which is practically in our backyard, she decided to invent some shit and my god, it was so bad. I'm sorry, but you just don't fry salad dressing. -.- Then she's grating the cheese and doing other shit and the little kitten keeps jumping on the table and instead of stopping what she's doing and squirting her with the squirt bottle she fucking slaps the cat. I mean, I've slapped the cats too, but not like she did. She gave her such a whack, I freaked on her. I swear, if she's like this again tomorrow, I'm dragging my cousin off to Tim Horton's and we're gonna stay there until she goes to work or something. -_-