Nov 24, 2008 18:29
Well.i am so sick of Troy's school,namely his teacher I could just scream.Really.AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!So all last week troy was in trouble.Basically got 2 scholarship warnigs (which now seem to reference behaviour and NOT academic progress)I guess a referal(had to go to the principals) and a note saying he was a little better but"still tried me a couple of times".He was jumping out of his seat, crawling on the floor,just being crazy.When she got really sick of it she brought him to call me and have a talk.WOULD NOT TALK TO ME ON THE PHONE.She told him like 4 times to talk to me and he refused.Was just being bad.So I get to go up later to talk to the principal.not really enlightening.told Troy that if he kept it up he would have to suspend him.Troy really seems to care less.So i have been racking my brain trying to figure out what the HELL is going on with him all of a sudden.So i asked him if they had been having recess.of course not.well no fucking wonder.he's a growing 7 year old boy and he is expected by them to sit still and do his work with only a 30 min break for lunch all day?WTF!?!unfortuately for Troy he seems to be the only one with the problem.Teacher is a fucking minute she seems all supportive but everytime i mention a possible solution(of course the ones that need to be implemented by her are out of the question...that would require effort on her part...can't ask that now..)she shoots them down.I asked her if they had recess at all last week.She's like no,is that a problem? WTF!!! well it was too cold.(it was NOT that bad last week...that's what jackets are for)so she told me she was not taking them out if it was below 60..which i don't think it was in the middle of the day.i'm like well midday can you let Troy do something?Jumping jacks in the hall maybe?no i can't single him out,everybody has to do i can see right now see could give a fuck less if these kids get any fucking exercise.but like i said...apparently troy is the only one having ...adverse affects from the lack of that just makes troy bad i suggested a few other hell make him sit in the corner and have a time out.she SAYS she's not allowed to do that(which is bullshit).she is basically unwilling to do anything.she has the other kids to worry about and they aren't having problems so we shouldn't have to do anything for him.what a load of crap.because every kid is exactly the same.I am so tempted to homeschool him right now.he is bored.that is what he told's boring.not the the old stuff.the new stuff.I'm like that's the stuff that should be interesting.that's how you learn.if you don't learn you'll be you wanna be stupid?*giggle*nooo....okay then.i just had a huge talk with him and explained some things to him.he's not having problems with the work...his give a damn is just broke.he just tries to do everything as fast as he he is doing story comprehension stuff now.there is a story.there are questions about the story.the answers are right in the story.he keeps getting half of them wrong because he refuses to reread the reason to fail a test when you have been given the answers.....*sigh* i am at my wits end with him and this school........*end rant*