Finally, getting around to posting a Friends Only sign up. It's been long over do. I also wasn't expecting to be adding a lot of people to my journal.
If you wish to befriend me let me know. If your'e only interested in my role playing, costumes, various projects, or general life tell me, so I can start filtering entries. I update a lot, and I mean a lot.
I have a lot going on in my personal life. I tend to vent about my family situation and work situation. This is a place where I take out my frusteration even if it may seem pety or nothing to really worry about (I tend to worry a lot). Overall, this is where I place my various WIPS and future ideas for projects. Note, that you may see one project started and then put on hold and seen again revamped and finished. Usually, once I start a project it does get finished.
I really do appreciate critique and advice as long as it's not deconstructive!