I'm going to hate living in a dorm, I know it. I'm very picky, and particular about everything. I cannot live in the same room with anyone. I have OCD, which makes it worse. I have to align everything on my counter, on the bathroom counter, etc. I'm going to be miserable in college. I can't commute, because there aren't any colleges for me in NJ. I
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Just make sure they know from the beginning, you are there for SCHOOL and not to party. If they have a ton of people in there all the time either make life hell for them, or report them (like they arent suppose to be having overnight visitors and such). Someone elses room can be the party room and they can go to it, they don't have to and wont (if you don't let them) make your room the party room.
I think you're just having a hardtime accepting life is about to change in a big way for you. It's ok, most every person out there is resistent to change and would rather not go through with it, wether they admit it or not. It's a hard thing to swallow that you are leaving your friends, family, your comfort, everything you have known for 18 yrs behind to venture off into a realm unexplored by yourself. Where you will no longer be as comfortable as you were before. But, i'll let ya know now, it will be a hell of a lot better if you go into it determined to concur the anxiety that surrounds this. If you already think you're going to have a horrible time coping with it or conuring it, then you've already been beat and you mise-well stay at home and leave with Mommy and Daddy forever.
I think you're a lot stronger than that, and a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. So, suck it up and drive on, you'll do great ;-)
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