May 20, 2004 09:24
I'm at school right now...and it sux, even though it's only a half day. When i woke up this morning I thought for sure that it was friday. Dammit!!! I've grown very weary of being a townie. I just want to stay on the computer all day, like a little nerd. I like the term "nerd" a lot better than "townie." Much less degrading, in my opinion. I hate Holly's boyfriend so much. God, what a dick. He's way too much like Charlie, only worse if you can imagine such a thing. He says even shittier things to Holly than Charlie ever said to me. And yet their still together. He makes her cry all the time, and she always has new cuts on her arm. I hate him!!! Gah! Holly should go out with me. :)
The only thing I want to do is go home and work on my website that I started yesterday. I can't believe how long it took me to get my computer to let me use Geocities page builder. But it's working fine now. It makes me happy. The website is called "Sadismus" which is German for the word sadism. Whoa there...i feel really high all of a sudden. Freaky...Anyways I'll post a link to my site when it's "finished."