The Long Personality Test

Aug 09, 2008 10:09

Snagged from ireth06:

Your result for The LONG Scientific Personality Test...
INFJ - the counselor
You scored 0% I to E, 37% N to S, 24% F to T, and 26% J to P!

Your type is best summed up by the word "counselor", which belongs to the larger group of idealists. Only 2% of the population share your type. You are so empathic that you often know what others need before they know themselves. You are a complex person who can deal with complicated issues and people, almost prefer to, as you love problem solving. You can be something of an idealist or perfectionist, and should try to take yourself a little less seriously.

You are a supportive and insightful romantic partner, encouraging your mate to have dreams and work hard to make those dreams come true. Because you are so creative, you have a wealth of ideas to help them toward those goals. You need harmony so much that you are driven to resolve conflict quickly, as long as the terms don't violate your ethics. You feel the most appreciated when your partner admires your creativity, trusts your inspirations, and respects your values. It is also vitally important that your partner be open and emotionally available - in other words, that they be willing to share themselves completely.

Your group summary: idealists (NF)

Your type summary: INFJ
 Take The LONG Scientific Personality Test at HelloQuizzy

This is the result I always get on these things, and it's pretty spot on.  It tickles me not a little that Gandhi and Eleanor Roosevelt are in the INFJ boat, too - considering two of my favourite quotes come from them.


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