Got my new lappy and Star Trek

May 18, 2009 22:42

Coming to you from my new laptop...this thing rocks! I haven't tried everything out, but the display (HD!) and sound are awesome. The sound is almost as good as our desktop.

I just saw the new Star Trek movie...and it was AWESOME.

First of all, I was totally in love with Christopher Pine's Captain Kirk. I loved his blue eyes, and what a cocky little shit he was. I loved how his performance wasn't an exact copy of Shatner, but still held elements that brought to mind the old series.

Chekov, he was so adorable! Especially with his problems with the computer's voice recognition system.

The younger Kirk meeting the older Spock - I found the mind meld scene strangely fascinating...

Last but not least...can I tell you how much I heart Karl Urban as Dr. McCoy? I had doubts when I first heard he was cast, but by the end of the movie, I was convinced it was a brilliant piece of casting. He looked similar enough to DeForest Kelly to be convincing, plus he head Bones attitude down - Urban WAS McCoy for me.

I went into the movie expecting a good popcorn flick with some good eyecandy. I was very happy to find the movie highly exceeded my expectations. I left the theater excited and grinning like an idiot...surprising for someone who suffered from an overexposure to the original series courtesy of my brother. I was always more into The Next Generation.

I would gladly go see it again, and highly recommend it!

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