
Dec 14, 2007 18:05

Character: Maleficent Faery
Series: Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty
Character Age: clue!
Job: EVIL 101
Canon: Once upon a time (fourteenth century to be exact!), in a kingdom far away, there lived King Stefan and his fair queen. For years, they had lived without any children, so when a daughter was born to them, great joy spread throughout the land. AND THEN THEIR PARADE WAS RAINED ON. Because they didn't invite the MISTRESS OF ALL EVIL to their daughter's christening (and the Queen was silly enough to ask if they had offended her), Maleficent cursed Princess Aurora to prick her finger before sundown on her sixteenth birthday and DIE BWAHAHAHAHAHA... except the Good Fairy Merryweather changed that slightly. How annoying. Sleep is nowhere as foreboding as death.

In any case! Maleficent is elegant and suave and evil with an exceedingly bad temper. She's cruel and proud and occasionally rather petty about what angers her. Maleficent understands nothing of love, kindness, or the joy of helping others; she is "all bad" to quote the fairies. Things that make her happy include kidnapping princes, cursing baby princesses, hypnotizing older princesses, being generally Evil, and her beloved pet raven, Diablo.

Sample Post:
Well. Isn't this a pleasant surprise. Quite unlike what I had expected from Lady Sayre's description, I must say. A few zombies here, a few gorillas there...all wrapped up in a swamp. A pretty package without a Forbidden Mountain in sight. A bit disappointing, but no matter; she agreed to lend me her powers if I assisted her in shaping these...creatures of hers into proper goons and minions. After all, Lady Sayre's power is near equal to my own and she has the means I do not of locating princesses who have been conveniently missing for the past sixteen years. Let's start with the zombies and move on to the gorillas after, shall we?

Lady Sayre did mention you were, shall I say, not doing your job properly any longer. She requested I take the time to whip you all into shape as proper minions befitting the Forces of Evil. Well, well, well. I look at you and it is quite easy to understand what she means. Fools! IMBECILES! How dare you fall apart so easily! As zombies you are meant to frighten, to terrify! To work together and take down those who would oppose you! You should be destroying the villagers here, outnumbering them as badly as you do. Call all the men together! NOW!

You will learn to work together or, believe me, you won't have the choice of whether you want to or not. After all, cooperation can't be enforced any better than having two brains sharing one body, hmm? Or perhaps it would do you good to become very close to your fellow zombies. Rotting as you all are, it wouldn't take much to make you just slightly stickier. If you can't learn to scare the villagers then you could at least flatten them. Death by a Zombie Ball of Terror...a bit disgraceful, a touch humiliating, I admit, but better than you spineless, whimpering numbskulls! Oh how wonderful, it seems you understand me very well. Git!

And you gorillas. Look at yourselves, lounging about like that. Lady Sayre informed me that you were meant to chase the campers, to ensure that they knew their place, to enforce the rules that she had set up. And yet, I see women living with the men, people who refuse to get up at the time they should. Why, may I ask, are you not doing your job, hmm? ...You don't--! Oh my, that is a problem isn't it. Did you hear that, my pet? They said they don't feel like it. Ahahahahaha AHAHAhahahaha!

My dears, if you don't feel like terrorizing people, what do you feel like doing? Sitting in circles holding hands and making daisy chains? Or perhaps frolicking about these lovely trees and basking in the glow from the lake? Oh dear me, whatever shall I do? It would be quite a problem if Lady Sayre backed out of our agreement because I was unable to hold up my end due to a few stubborn monkeys. I believe I shall make this quite simple to understand. I don't CARE what you want to do. Get up! NOW! Or you'll end up like your friend over there: an unrecognizable, smoking mound of flesh unfit for the ants. Have I made myself quite clear?

...Oh Diablo, I do have my work cut out for me. It seems I am fated to be surrounded by mindless brutes who simply do not understand what it means to represent the Forces of Evil. Oversee them, my pet, and ensure they do not shame me. The Mistress of All Evil has to have her standards after all.

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