Found this on Malkin's site. This is graphic so please be aware. Pray for these people who I so hope fight for Freedom and True Democracy. We may be seeing a free Iraq and it's breathtaking. I pray that they won't be squashed by Tyranny.
Her name was Neda, which means “voice” in Farsi. According to numerous online accounts picked up by media outlets worldwide, she was shot in the streets by Iranian state police while protesting today. This is what repression looks (warning: graphic//update: vid link fixed): Click to view
Iranian blogger Madyar has a
chilling still photo of the dying girl.
Steve Schippert pays tribute to the Voice of Iran.
L.A. Times reports:
A copy of the video was also emailed to The Times. It seems to show a woman lying in the street with blood spurting from her chest. A man leans over, trying to stop the bleeding with his hands.
The footage, which can be viewed on YouTube, is extremely graphic. The identity of the woman could not be independently confirmed. But she is referred to on Twitter as Neda.
“#Neda: You are the VOICE of the people. You are a call to FREEDOM…,” readd one of the many tweets about her apparent slaying.
CNN reports that pictures of the woman are appearing on posters in Tehran and she is being hailed as a martyr. The network broadcast an excerpt of the video with the face of the woman blurred out.
Iranian Americans also downloaded the video and used it to make posters, which were held up at a demonstration today outside the Federal Building in Westwood.
Her voice