("You're sick of feeling numb; / You're not the only one. / I'll take you by the hand / And I'll show you a world that you can understand. / This life is filled with hurt / When happiness doesn't work. / Trust me, and take my hand / When the lights go out you'll understand.")
I'm not dead!
I realize I've been a bit bad at updating my LJ. hehe, oops.
This summer I worked at Wal-Mart in the shoe department. It was an okay job until my bitch coworker decided to make my life hell. She accused me of never doing my work, always talking with Greg when it was actually her who was always just talking it up with a girl in the jewelry department. In fact, I think I saw her do about three hours of work in a month. It took all my will to not jump on her and rip her to shreds.
Anyway, school started up and I didn't have any more time for work, so there went that! :P I signed up for two classes this semester: Ancient & Medieval Philosophy and Advanced Creative Writing: Fiction. I dropped the philosophy course because there was no way in hell I was going to pass; philosophy is just not my thing.
Shylo is crazy nowadays. She wrestles with Thor all the time and thinks she's queen of the couch. I even got her to wrestle with me the other day. :D She's very vocal too, always rawrrawrrawrpetme.
Haven't really been up to all that much lately, actually. My little brother is down in Arizona for college now, and he's going through a lot of what I went through when I started college.
I got my druid to 60 on WoW and now I'm working on my hunter, who is currently 53. Greg and I started our own guild called Guardian on the Silvermoon server, so that's fun. :) Our raiding alliance has cleared through BWL now, so we are uber leets. Well, not really. :P I preordered Burning Crusade and I must play it. @.@
My new Prozac perscription causes me to have insomnia. :( Icky.
Also, Lauren has gotten me addicted to the Gaia dream avatar maker thingy. Curse you!! <3
http://tektek.org/dream/link/2006-Nov/17/21/1163819382_4376 ("Pain: / I can't get enough. / Pain: / I like it rough / 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all.")