Feb 22, 2006 23:09
Why is it that when you take lit classes your life turns into a bunch of essays? Ah, well.
I am poor. Dirt poor.
In WoW I got my warlock to 60 and got her epic mount. :) Flamies and spikies, oh my! And I found out Eyeripper and Warped from MM started a couple characters on Silvermoon server. :D Yaaaay!
Guild Wars is pretty interesting; a lot more challenging after The Searing, I'd say. Some of the things I hate there (like getting stuck on every damn rock while running, or not being able to jump at all...) but it's different from WoW, so it's a change of pace in online gaming. (Yay for freeness as well.)
Greg is now fulfilling his geekiness on his newly bought Star Wars game, Empire at War.
Shylo is still a dork, but I love her. :3 She's found a new love of paper, apparently, being as I found my vacuum cleaner instruction manual with doggy bite-size chunks missing from it.
Wallins e-mailed me and asked me to drop his class. Pompous asshole. I don't need to listen to your lecture to understand the material, no matter how much you like the sound of your own voice. I had a meeting w/ him today to discuss what to do for my final presentation/essay in Victorian Lit and he wouldn't let me get a word in and told me things over and over about four times. Yeah, lovin' himself WAY too much there.
There are too many movies to watch, and I am too lazy to drop the ones I have off at the post office for Netflix. :(
I <3 Domino's deep dish. :3 I also love recycling old essays so that I mostly don't have to write anything.
Porn is great. :D Chris should stop stealing mine.
Greg's dad is getting married on the 17th of March and I bought a new dress for it. :) Gotta get me a slip, though; the back is a bit too see-through.
I'm trying to hold off talking to my parents because all they do is nag at me. Can't they see I'm a busy woman?! (busy w/ sex... >.>)
Talked to Little Fuzzy today about issues in his relationship w/ Pam and everything worked out okay for him.
Had an in-class Women's Lit essay tonight. Why are all test essays fucking annoying and ill-written? Argh.
Mmm, pizza. :3
("I scratch a living, it ain't easy; / You know it's a drag. / I'm always paying, never making, / But you can't look back. / I wonder if I'll ever get to where I want to be. / Better believe it: / I'm working for a cash machine! / There's a hole in my pocket, my pocket, my pocket...")