Happy National Impeachment Day everyone! ^_^ Maybe we'll get lucky and Bush will go bye-bye. In celebration (and the spirit of wishful thinking) here's some lovely links.
After Downing Street and
footage of the Beach Impeach protest. Ah, makes me feel happy when protesters actually start climbing out of the woodwork. Why oh why must I live in a blindly Republican state? I can understand voting for what you believe, but believeing in Bush is kind of like believing in the Easter Bunny by now, don't you think? All I can figure is that folks are just defending him because of his political allegiances, and that's no good reason to back a supposed representative of the people.
In other news, had a nice b'day yesterday. Thanks to my lovely NOLA family for all their kind emails! We are looking forward to those spankings, oh yes precious, we are! ;-D
leanf007 was nice enough to take me out to a lovely Red Lobster dinner (mmmm... lobster...) and buy me a pile of new clothes for work. ^_^ It's nice to be loved!
And sometime I have to figure out what to do with Basilisk. I don't feel comfortable around him anymore. He's still snappy and generally a bitch. Maybe snakes are just not for me. I'm looking at the Reptile store a bit fondly...
OMG my phone rang, I knew it was
lenaf007, grabbed it, and missed her. Sux when that happens. I called her back twice but got her voicemail, and her voicemail to me was just saying she'd wanted to talk. =( I did get a funny other message in my box, though, from a teacher of my apparent non-existent child who just refuses to follow instructions and cursed her teacher out lolz. Like a phone call from another dimension. =P