Writing Progress Update

Jun 28, 2010 22:47

Had a more productive day than I expected, writing wise. I still haven't finished the reservoir piece simply because I'm not sure where to go that won't be boring/cliche as crap. I did get a bit of free writing in, though, that may materialize into something usable. I also wrote a bit more on the Batverse fic I'm working on.

Freewriting: 656 words
Crane: 829 written/ 4.480 total words

Outside of writing, lenaf007 and I spent the early part of the day waiting at the Toyota place for her car to get looked at. Then we went home and she worked the rest of the afternoon while I wrote a bit and continued installing replacement hinges on the doors. The new black ones are a vast improvement over the gaudy gold that came with the house. When she finished work, we both finished installing the four under cabinet lights we bought yesterday, then she worked on the door knob/hinges on one pantry while I cooked artichokes and mashed potatoes for dinner. It's been a very restful, awesome day overall with a lot accomplished. A surprising revelation was that we have wild blackberries growing in our backyard! They are delicious and will probably lead to some delicious muffins at some point.

Regarding Andrei, the vet is still being bitchy: now they say they can't tell if he has arthritis from the x-rays and could we please bring him back up so they can examine him? I swear, I've just about had it with vets. If he wasn't feeling so shitty I'd say to hell with them. All they seem to do is shrug and ask us to spend more money on inconclusive tests. Meanwhile I have to find a ride every time because I have no a/c in my car and I cannot -- will not -- make that poor cat who already hates traveling ride in a hot car in 100 degree Atlanta weather.


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