Stick it up yerr ass

Nov 04, 2003 03:02

I am the proud owner of the biggest fucking bottle of nasal spray ever.

Oh yes, do we so love the nasal spray.

And ya know, when you go to a doctor, you are supposed to tell them everything, so that they know what's going on to pinpoint the source of a problem. It's all confidential and whatnot. Well, I guess when it concerns the intern for my doctor, less would be more. When I thought she was going to start crying, I stopped talking. "Yup, good to go."

Ha ha ha, I guess I really am at my end of the rope. She was so worried she actually went and retrieved my doctor.
At least I am now working on two things, and some tests are in progress.

I am now on Ambien? or some prescription sleepy thing. I didn't really want a sleeping aid, because I am so tired of taking shit, but I'll give it a try short term and see if it helps me get my sleeping back.
I also get my lovely bottle of nasal spray

Plus with the aid of vasaline, it should heal my nose cancer, which according to my doc, appears to be an infected irritation caused by something. Yay for something.

The sucky thing though, is that my doc thinks I may have been passing clots in my left leg, which would explain why I have such weird pains in that leg only. I hope not. My grandmother had massive bloodclots in her leg, right leg I believe (as I don't find myself staring at my grandmother's leg all too often...). On my dad's side. So of course it's something to watch out for. That and my likelihood of clots is high because I take the pill, and apparently blood clots from the pill run on my mother's side of the family.

I of course failed to tell my mother when I first got the pill. She was rather pissed of at me since I didn't know I could DIE from it. But I didn't die, SEE!

I also had blood drawn to have it tested as a second opinion on herpes, just to be completely certain. The bloodtest detects the antibodies in the blood, and it can also tell if it's HSV-1 or 2, because of...something. Sorry, can't remember off the top of my head right now. So of course the doc asked me a bazillion questions since it all happened in New Mexico and not in Minnesota, so she wanted to know everything, and I told her. And she asked me questions about what I knew, if I had been given pamphlets or anything, and I said no on the pamphlets but that I had done research online. She gave me some pamphlets to read as well, just as something extra. It was cool. My doc rocks.

So I am pretty weak and tired now, from losing blood and hadn't having eaten beforehand was death to the Karly. And I hadn't eaten because my stomach has hated me since yesterday. Fuck you stomach. But I figured since I was on a roll today, I might as well just make myself bleed a bunch. So now I hurt. In a not cool place. But since I never went into any form of detail on what the hell I am talking about before, I do not plan on divulging that HERE now. It's rather unpleasant.

So I'll just sit here with my nasal spray and be giddy.

Fuck, I had a really important question to ask, and I forgot it. NO WAIT! I remember! HA! Forgetting made me remember. And here is why:


Do any of you know something that I can take to improve my memory? And I am saying that I don't want to take a supplement pill, no pills, and no chalky water shit either. I dun need regulation here. I want to know if there is some food, fruit, veggie, whatever, that will help my memory.

My memory has seriously gone to shit. And I'd like to at least remember SOME of my last few years on earth here people!
Oh the drama that is my life. Woe.

Holy shit I just shot nasal spray EVERYWHERE. I think I am going to die. Or just sneeze a lot.

And just for thrills, guess who came to the office today?
Ha ha ha...
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