Deeply Deep Thoughts on Friends.

Mar 02, 2010 21:48

This is no surprise to anyone that knows me: I am not a very trusting soul. I'm cynical and I don't like 90% of the people out there. Every once in a while though, I will open up my heart and my life, and freely give away my time, my love, my patience. Nine of ten times, I regret it--lies, betrayal, disloyalty, just overall DRAMA... It really isn't very often that we can find someone that will take us at face-value, that will support us in spite of our faults and will attempt to streamline our troubles.

I've endured some of the worst friendships in history; no lie, I've had friends say and do things to me that were just unheard of, or who sucked me into their problems like a Black Hole of Stupidity. It's mind-boggling. People that have no concept of honesty, loyalty, or friendship, people that thrive on conflict; jealousy, hate, utter maliciousness, I've seen it all.  A few people that meant the absolute world to me have shunned me for life simply because they felt insulted by what the perceived as disrespect on my part, which was really just my being honest-to-God afraid (which, even after having that explained, is still unacceptable). The hurt was unreal, but maybe...maybe it was necessary. Maybe it helped to form me as a person. Maybe I'm still being formed.

That one time out of ten is worth it.

PS. This one time, I had a really shitty day, and my [now incommunicado]  friend bought me a naked Candygram. So this Adonis knocked on our door, all French charm and smiles and starts whipping his clothes off while holding this box of candy. Naturally, I'm a little afraid, given that my French is like whoa (bathroom mostly), so I slammed the door and called the police. I somehow managed to snatch the box of candy though, pralines of some sort if I remember correctly, so I had something to munch on while I watched them drag this poor man away.

"What are you doing, I paid that man to strip for you!"

"Well, maybe you'll think twice before sending random perverts to my door," I quipped, victoriously munching.


"Ask him where he got the candy."
And it was the best chocolate I've ever had.

france, friends, woodling, drama, deep thoughts, naked, drama prone females

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