May 14, 2005 10:09
So many ppl i love in one bar! My two best female friends - leah and Jadey (i had no idea leah would b there) and just so many ppl i fancy, Vidal, Tumnus, Prince, Christian, sexy tom,Jazz and LBC! How was like a conventionm of fitties. Band was hilarious,Jazz wore a sparly cloak and chriatian was headbangin like a crazy thing.
Vidal has a terrible tattoo..this has put me off quite a lot.
Ali, Betty (who is leavin! nooo)cool tom and maira all they're too. Plus the old usal too strung out on coke to get whats goin on but still a darlin. Betty now fancies sexy tom..he's such a nice guy, and he isnt leavin like all the other yr 13s,..noooo. I think i'll miss Prince the most. But he might dress up as a priest for my mothers book launch. *cheers*
Had to kiss tumnus you do. Well, jade went up to him and goes *if you want to pull ces, you do realise this will be your last chance, so he came up and grabbed my face (it was sooo like a film - for anyone who doesnt know, tumnus is the one in the pic with his chirt off) and i was just so shocked i just stood there. But then as i was goin, i though, ahh..but 'll regret that' so i went up to him (it was soooooooo hollywood!) and say
'THIS is your kiss goodbye'
cue: massive cheering from everyone else.
Oh yeah,, i did kiss LBC too..but that was a mistake. A fantastic body melting mistake but a a mistake.I said he looked like takeshi in the headband..went jokingly to lick his forehead..and then ah. He was chattin up another bad cesci copy at the cartoon...why go for somethin rubbish when u can have the real thing? And i apologised for earlier and he goes 'you don't have to be sorry for things like that honey'...mixed signals or what? Plus he's back on moday.
plus he'd only had a pint
i had
4 x Southern confort and diet cokes
2 x three quater pints of stella ppl didnt want
3 x half pints of boddingtons
1 x creme egg flavoured vodka shot
there fore i can pretend to remeber absoloutely nothing. Mwhahahahaha. cunning little vixen.
ahh, so anyway an amaaaaaaaazing day was had by all.