My new scanner and I are slowly getting acquainted. I've done a few more experiments, changed a few settings here and there and learned a few new tricks, and I think my scans are improving. About time. :-)
I continued my
double-exposure experiment in Australia, and while the majority of the results are negligible, I did manage to get a few decent shots in Sydney. Such as this one, taken near Manly Beach.
This was among the first tree pictures I took in Australia. Little did I suspect that an absolutely staggering number of tree photos was to follow. Seriously, guys, if you don't like images of trees, you may as well unfriend me for the next few months, for this journal is going to be abloom with trees. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Double exposure, Samsung Vega 140s + Kodak 400TX
The Hague (Holland) + Sydney (Australia), 2007