As Quoting from My Sister...

Jun 21, 2005 19:20

The self esteem train has stopped and its time to get on!

*gets on*

yeah yeah, ok, so I was in a little bit of a down mood earlier... Well no, Really down.... But I got picked up by two wonderful people :)

The first would be my sister :)
She unfortunately had to listen to the whole "oh woe is me" crap... I could go into details on this, but that is not like me, and yes, when it comes to certain emotions, I like to keep them private. I think saying that I was down, is showing enough emotion hehe :)

But she made me in a much better mood, and gave me a little call to give me a rather funny comparison as to why I am still doing better than some...
(this is after the fact that the whole time at curves I was just pissy)
So yeah, she lifted my spirits, and got me out of my funk.. Thanks sis!

And as for the second person, He just made me laugh lots... Which always picks up my mood... That would be my Friend Kris (whom I just started talking to again)
I was making him say mean things to me in french *giggle*
And I was told I say "rofl" way to often ;)
When you think about it, yes, I do. I seem to think I laugh hard at things, and lol does not cut it... But then again, could you imagine how long it would take me to write an entry if I was really "rolfing"?
I should be put in a padded cell if I rolled around on the floor that much....

and saying that.. I will say this... rofl!
Oh now I am just being silly....

Have not really gotten to talk to Guy much today... shhhh he is sleeping... and he needs his sleep, so I do not mind :)
Well then again, he won't be sleeping when reading this hehe :)

Part of my pissy attitude today was it was horrible at work, so damn muggy and hot.... I... *gasp* was sweating! :P
I sweat, don't get me wrong, but my forehead started to sweat... and that never happens... And I was grumpy at that...

I swear I am pmsing backwards or something....

Ok! enough of this! I have to go do something for my mom which I promised a long time ago, and I still have not done it... so I am turning my back to the computer for once :)

But hopefully not for too long!

So now it is time to play music at ear piercing levels, and tune out the world...
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