
Oct 11, 2010 21:05

 hey guys this is serious if you dont know by now how serious bullying is.
It's becoming super personal. >:/

I hate to post this online but honestly this is becoming out of hand and i need some help on how i can help her or what she can do.

The Camwhoring Awesometoast says:
today sucks
like hell
류흔흔 | UnconfirmED Survivors '13 Canadian Rice! says:
hey ^^
The Camwhoring Awesometoast says:
The people who posted rumors abt me
류흔흔 | UnconfirmED Survivors '13 Canadian Rice! says:
where? on fb?
The Camwhoring Awesometoast says:
they hang out with the friends i used to hang out with now
so now those friends dun talk to me
and leave me out for no reason
I have new friends now
who are better and kinder
but they(the girls who spread rumors) made fun of me during drama
when i auditioned for the role of a maid
no not fb
they just spread the rumors you know
and when i said that i liked the plot twist for the script
they said in a mocking tone"I like the plot twist"
류흔흔 | UnconfirmED Survivors '13 Canadian Rice! says:
thats so childish
The Camwhoring Awesometoast says:
im really sad now
why cant they leave me alone
류흔흔 | UnconfirmED Survivors '13 Canadian Rice! says:
they have nothing better to do and they think theyre idiots who run the school. do you want to tell someone like your mom or a teacher?
The Camwhoring Awesometoast says:
i told my mom
but i cant tell teacher
they'd spread even more freaking rumors
류흔흔 | UnconfirmED Survivors '13 Canadian Rice! says:
what kind of rumours? wtf.
The Camwhoring Awesometoast says:
"She flirts with all the guys"
"She acts cute all the time"
She never does group work"
It hurts...

thats just a glimpse. shes so upset i dont even know if shes okay because shes having dormstay now and im not in her school.

She thinks that she can ignore them and talk to someone until they get bored and stop. I think this might work but i cant be with her all the time in her school and i am really unsure about her old and new friends. I am super worried and frustrated and sometimes i just think of all the what ifs such as what if i joined the same school as her back then, could all this not have happened?

shit it.

help. that's all she and I need. Some opinions or something.

topic: friends

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