The rumors of my demise, etcetera...

Dec 15, 2010 20:44

::tap tap tap::
Is this thing on???

Ah. Well.

I was just looking at my journal in an idle moment (not that I'm ever anything but idle) and noticed that I hadn't posted since January. Oops. Honestly, I didn't mean to be silent for so long, it's just that I have been, frankly, exhausted. And, unfortunately, that hasn't changed; but I do miss you all so much, and I am going to try to do better. Expect short and rather random posts as I try to get the hang of interacting with people online again (can you believe it took me five minutes to remember how to make a post? duh).

Many thanks to those of you who've sent birthday wishes, e-mails, cards, v-gifts, and made phone calls, and just thought kind thoughts; I appreciate them all *lots and lots*, you can't imagine. I'm so sorry I haven't been here to reciprocate. I have thought of you often.

I do not think I'm going to have the energy to go back and read every single post since January. If there's anything important that you think I need to know, you might want to tell me directly. Oh, and I'm not going to have e-mail for a while, because Wilson is going in the shop next week.

Well, there's the annoying business taken care of. My next post shall be a shiny thing of shining shinyness. :D

(BTW, watched the trailer for the Doctor Who 2010 Christmas special. Wanna see it, now!!!!)

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