Epiphany, squared.

Jan 07, 2010 11:06

::waves:: Hello! I hope you all had lovely holidays. Mine were great fun, but exhausting. Which doesn't seem fair to say, since I did very little of the work, but what's so is so. I meant to post this yesterday, but I had internet connectivity problems followed by brain connectivity problems, so y'all pardon me for celebrating Epiphany a day late ( Read more... )

organizing, rl, goals, hippodays

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Comments 14

vjezkova January 7 2010, 20:01:51 UTC
Well, this is a great goal, and good luck!
I envy you your ability to organise your goals - no way with me:-) I love chaos, you know!
Anyway - a good,healthy and happy New Year to you!


mistraltoes January 8 2010, 07:47:05 UTC
Thank you!

I think that a certain amount of chaos is wonderful stimulation for creative people like us; it's just that at my stage of life, I've got to cut back on it a little. But I envy you all that freedom and variety. ;-)


entropy_house January 7 2010, 20:25:53 UTC
Hippo New Year! My NYR was to not procrastinate. I held out for about 4 days. Oh, well. ;^) I've amended it to working on at least one thing per day that I've procrastinated on, unless I don't feel like it. *grin*

You always gotta give yourself a get out of guilt free card. :^)


communicator January 7 2010, 20:30:20 UTC
Hi Mistraltoes, best wishes for the new year


mistraltoes January 8 2010, 02:43:44 UTC
Thank you! And the same to you. :)


izhilzha January 7 2010, 21:43:59 UTC
Happy New Year! I am embarking on the same sort of organization this year (hopefully complete with finally having room for proper files and so forth, not just the lists). And am already shocked at how well the timer suggestion works, too. Hmmm.


mistraltoes January 8 2010, 02:00:50 UTC
Good solutions are often surprisingly simple. I've spent months trying (unsuccessfully) to find a table of specific dimensions and height, with rollers on the bottom... only to realize this week that I can accomplish the same thing with the table I already have, and $7 worth of furniture sliders. :)


vilakins January 7 2010, 22:44:49 UTC
I'm glad you had such a fun (if tiring) time!

I don't set goals or make resolutions because the only ones that matter (e.g. getting a job) are so big and difficult I get daunted. Your goal is a good one though because it's a day at a time. I can't break the biggie down like that, but I can with a couple of others. :-)


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