Ship meme

May 28, 2009 05:29

I apologize for the absence of actual content in the journal lately. I've felt lousy for the last month, and that makes me want contact with people even less than usual. Also, there've been other family members having health issues, which is upsetting. So memeage is about all I'm up to at the moment.

Therefore... I've seen two versions of this going around, one with ten pair and one with fifteen. I chose fifteen on the principle that sometimes the ones you come up with last are the more interesting ideas.

Name your 15 favorite couples (het/slash/friendship) and ask people to see what trends they notice. Try to pick different fandoms.

1. House & Wilson (House, M.D.)
2. Avon & Vila (Blakes 7)
3. Avon/Soolin (Blakes 7)
4. Cristina/Owen (Grey's Anatomy)
5. Morgan/Garcia (Criminal Minds)
6. Lightman-Foster (Lie to Me) (as long as it stays UST)
7. David & Colby (Numb3rs)
8. Horatio/Sunglasses (CSI Miami)
9. Giles/Anya (Buffy)
10. Willow/Snape (Buffy/Harry Potter)
11. Ron/Hermione (Harry Potter)
12. Harry & Bob (Dresden Files)
13. Spock & McCoy (TOS)
14. Munch & Tutuola (Law& Order SVU)
15. Joe & Allison DuBois (Medium)

Hm. Not anywhere close to exhaustive, and 'favorite' is always problematic terminology for me, but I do love these. Ignoring #8... Do I see a trend? Yes, I do. And one that inverts it a bit. What do you see?

memes, multifannish

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