Because procrastinating is so much FUN...

Mar 26, 2009 19:48

Yes, I know I haven't posted my answers to the last two memes. Yes, I am aware of the irony of posting a meme about fanfic writing when I wrote all of one story last year. Yes, I know that I promised myself I'd finish a story before the end of the month. And yes, I think I've done this meme (or one very similar) before. Nevertheless, I have swiped ( Read more... )

writing, labyrinth, avon, sg-1, fleinhardt, vila, hp, spike, multifannish, wilson, house, snape, giles, bayban, jarriere, btvs, jenna, memes, numb3rs, b7, willow/snape

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kerravonsen March 27 2009, 10:17:18 UTC
Actually, somebody told me this week that that first fic I wrote is still her favorite of mine. I can't decide whether I should be thrilled to have written something she found memorable, or mortified not to have written something she likes better since then.
I meant it's my favourite of your fairytale stories! I have other favourites! Like your Jarrierre and Vila remix. And I still want "Scottish Air" to be finished...


kalypso_v March 27 2009, 14:16:50 UTC
And I still want "Scottish Air" to be finished...

Ooh, me too!

And that reminds me, I've still got sallymn's Power Cut to enjoy!


mistraltoes March 27 2009, 14:26:45 UTC
Scottish Air is actually my top project for the year; I just want to warm up by finishing a couple of short things first. But I'm quite committed to it, never doubt it.


jarriere March 27 2009, 15:23:06 UTC
That's brilliant, Miss Mistral!


mistraltoes March 28 2009, 03:38:28 UTC
You are an example and inspiration to us all, sir.


mistraltoes March 27 2009, 14:31:08 UTC
Who said I was talking about you? ;-D Anyway, I should just be grateful that anyone likes any of my stuff; I know that I'm slow and I grouse a lot, but I do love to tell stories.

And Scottish Air is the reason I didn't sign up for the Finishathon. I just want to finish a couple of short things as a warmup, and then I'm going to concentrate on Scottish Air until it's done.


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