Random Ness, cousin to Eliot

Dec 04, 2007 05:36

Um. Yes, I do know that I haven't updated, or even commented much, in more than a month. But I'm still alive, yay. For the sake of the easily bored, the rest is behind a cut. That is, if I can still remember how to lj-cut...

  • It snowed Saturday and Sunday, and Monday we had a wind- and rainstorm and flooded roads. Also some brief power outages, longer cable and Internet outages, and my caregivers couldn't get here. But the most annoying thing is that somewhere along the line, a surge or summat blew out my television. Fortunately I had a spare; but by the time I realized that the problem was a dead TV and not the cable, and then got the spare hooked up, I had missed taping Chuck. :(

  • I still have no E-mail, and this computer is getting more cranky. Also, my body still does not like sitting here. Therefore, I shall not be online much until I get my new laptop.

  • OTOH, I have ordered the laptop. It will be super snazzy, with 4 GB of memory, a 320 GB hard drive, and a double upgrade on the sound card. Loaded with Win XP and Office Professional. In a sudden departure from sanity, I have ordered it in bright sunshine yellow.

  • OTOH, it cost half again as much as my first car, and probably won't be here until next week. And then I will still have to sit here to transfer everything over to it, darn. And buy yet more software, double darn. Still, I want it here NOW! (I'm sure you know how that is.)

  • I haven't named it yet. This computer is Vila, and the previous one was Kermit (no, not the frog; the guy from KF:tLC with the dark glasses and the really big gun). But what goes with sunshine yellow? Soolin, perhaps? Or maybe I should call it Wilson. Hmm...

  • Thanksgiving seemed to go rather smoothly, but maybe that's because I didn't go; I was in too much pain from a trip to the physical therapist the day before. IBW (who also very kindly drove me to the therapist in her van) brought me down a plate of food (well, more than one, actually) and it was even better than it usually is. Toolboy seems to have nearly mastered Mom's roll recipe, bibliohippo makes a moist and tasty turkey the Alton Brown way, and Wondergirl makes a killer Heavenly Delight (a deadly combination of maraschino cherries, pineapple, whipped cream and multicolored marshmallows--too sour to call it dessert, too sweet to call it salad, but it packs a wallop).

  • Speaking of my physical therapist, she suggested (rather half-heartedly) that I go to Germany for treatment. As if getting to the city weren't hard enough, I'm going to go halfway around the world? On my own dime? No, I don't think so. Anyway, the problem isn't so much getting treatment as it is getting usable compression garments, so I don't think going to Germany is likely to help. Well, looking on the bright side, at least it proves she's still trying to think of ways to help.

  • The hippos gallop on apace! I've got about half of my presents thought up, but only about 10% of them bought. I was hoping to put off the online shopping until the laptop arrived, but if it's not here by tomorrow, I'll probably have to bite the bullet and do it on this cranky old thing. ::sigh::

  • Which reminds me, I have to make a decision about which E-mail client to use on the new computer. I hate to go to Outlook, but Netscape has dropped its POP3 client and only has Webmail now. Stupid Netscapers, what are they thinking? Suggestions for a solution, anyone?

  • The cookie baking has been scaled back for this year. Wondergirl is a bit overbooked, and tired from her recent trip out of state. I confess that I'll be glad of an easy year, myself. I'se been tired, and I'm no longer much help, anyway.

  • Ooh, and happiness: I've achieved my 2007 reading goal! Yay! Mostly because all I've felt up to doing lately is lying in bed and reading (or sitting in my easy chair playing video games), but still, yay! My goal was 26 books - 13 new fiction and 13 new non-fiction - plus whatever else struck my fancy. Anyway, I just finished the last of the 26 requireds, and my total books is over 40 now. :) At the moment, I'm reading the Harry Dresden books. I'm as far as Grave Peril. I like them, they're fun and easy to read. Though I found Fool Moon alternately predictable and... overly complex(?).

  • The "Writing Rules" meme looks like lots of fun, but I've sat here too long already. Perhaps I'll think about them tonight, and feel like typing them up tomorrow. Anyway, if you've read this far, hugs to you. Actually, hugs to my friends who didn't read this far, too, but I suppose they'll never know. I hope you're all well and happy. G'night.

computers, nieflings, rl, goals, books, questions, hippodays

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