NaArMaMo, Day One

Aug 02, 2007 04:08

Yes, I did art on Day One, I'm just late in posting about it. I did more than one thing, actually.

Art attempt #1 is this Don icon.
It's very simple, and was accomplished more by luck than skill, but that's still the stage I'm at with Photoshoppery, so I'm quite happy with it. I do seem to be getting the hang of text, which is nice, but the border was a complete fluke (if it had been deliberate, I'd have made it narrower). I'm also having to deal with the fact that when I take a widescreen 'cap with my DVD player, and paste it into PSE2, it distorts the proportions and I have to undistort it. Kind of annoying, though at least now I know to look on the DVD case to find the correct proportions, rather than guessing.

Anyway, on the remote chance that anyone wandering by needs a Don icon and wants this one, I'll share.

Art attempt #2 was some colored pencil sketches (which at the moment I have no way to share, so you cannot mock them. Well, I suppose you can mock them, but you'll have to use your imagination to do so.) In particular, I did some fruits and vegetables, some rather nice carrot people, some half-hearted pachyderms, and a couple of nice flowers. I'd be quite proud of the flowers, except... well... they were supposed to be the same kind of flower, weren't they? But one of them is quite clearly a rather nice rosebud, and the other is equally clearly a fairly nice tulip. Now, if I could only figure out what happened between one and the other...

Anyway, I did art; I'm one for one. More art tomorrow, yay!

icons, artstuff, naarmamo

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