Goals, June 2007: a return to navel-gazing

Jun 11, 2007 02:15

Somebody actually asked me last month why I'd stopped posting about my goals. The rest of you unfortunates can look the other way.

In 2005, I made a list of goals and posted progress each month, until I got sidetracked due to a mid-year illness and didn't return to posting progress. But what I learned in 2005 is that I need to write everything down, or it doesn't get a look in. This includes scheduling in recreation, time for art, etc.; the whole enchilada, so to speak. So in 2006, I made the list much longer. Not because I expected to get it all done, but because usually to aim higher means that I achieve more. Which I mostly did, with the exception of writing--until getting sidetracked due to a mid-year illness. This time I determined to return to posting, but... somehow, I didn't.

Irritated, I could not bring myself to make a new list for 2007. I did not want to repeat the pattern. Also, I've had less time this year when I felt up to doing anything. But having learned that nothing gets done unless I write it down, I didn't stop entirely: I used the leftover 2006 goals, and have been selecting some to work on each month. And I've been trying to attack my inability to juggle the various aspects of my life by making a list of important categories, and choosing some goals in each category each month. Results so far are mixed: I'm not getting nearly as much done as I wish (which I think has more to do with health problems than with the method), particularly in the case of writing, but the overall distribution of accomplishments is improved.

Anyway, here are my goals for this month. I don't expect to get them all done, but some is better than none.

* Finish reading River God
* Finish reading The Sound of Paper
* Finish reading The Cartoon History of Computer Science
* Finish gen_remix story
* Finish Labyrinth/Harry Potter story, "Another Man's Poison"
* Finish Jarriere crackfic, "Hippodrome"
[Health and finance]
* Make and keep doctor appointment
* Make and keep optical appointment
* Get records of stock history in order
* Cash out stock and pay off debt
[Other People]
* Wrap and send rest of Christmas presents
* Telephone both Aunts
* Make and send DVDs of B7 S1-S2 to izhilzha
* Clean out fridge
* Repair pillow that I took apart before Christmas
* Do icon_style challenge
* Make 6 Numb3rs icons
* Make 6 House, M.D. icons
* Watch math course: "The Joy of Thinking"
* Make a backup
* Watch two new Police DVDs
* Rewatch the Indiana Jones trilogy
* Put together a jigsaw

And then there's the routine stuff to be managed, like laundry and paying the bills. Anyway, that's quite a lot considering the time available, though I'm nearly done with the Reading and I have been working on the Writing a bit. But I'll just do as much as I can. I shall make an interim report in 7-10 days, just to keep me on track.


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