Tired now

May 23, 2007 03:57

'Twas a busy day.

- I spent an extra two hours in the pressure suit, still trying to make up for the ground lost while I was on antibiotics. So far, not a lot of success, but giving up is not so much an option.

- Then all the shopping I did last week (books, DVDs, office supplies) showed up at the same time, and I had to unwrap and put things away. I still have to put away office supplies, because they mistakenly delivered to Dad insted of to me, and he only brought me part of the order.

- Then I rewatched the Heroes finale, because there were some things I wanted to check. About which I will not say more here.

- Then Wondergirl, Toolboy, Toolboy's fiancee (yes, fiancee now), Techboy, and Dad all showed up and spent three hours rearranging my bedroom (as mobility problems had made the previous arrangement difficult to live with). Including bolting the heavy bookcase to the wall, yay! I stayed out of the way, and only answered the occasional question, but it was still tiring having all those people knocking about the house at once. Wondergirl and Toolboy's fiancee rearranged the books, but there were several boxes more than would go on the shelves, so I suspect that bibliohippo and I will be fiddling with the arrangement for weeks. And Rupert the ficus looks a little crowded where he wound up, so I'll have to think about that a bit. But overall, there's more floor space, and everything is more convenient for me, though not necessarily more convenient for other people. But it is my home, after all, so I think that's fair.

- Apropos of nothing in particular, the book I am reading this week opened, much to my surprise, with a hippopotamus hunt. In fact, references to hippopotami and products made therefrom are not infrequent throughout. I suppose that makes sense for a book set in ancient Egypt.

- Now that the office supplies are here, it's back to working on my gen_remix story tomorrow. Which the idea for is still somewhere out of reach. Fingers and toes crossed. :)

ficathons, rl, hippos

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