Nothing ad infinitum

May 14, 2007 05:36

I've nothing to say, really, except that I'm tired of having nothing worth saying. The pain the last few days has been quite bad, and all I've managed to do is pay the bills, send a Mother's Day E-card, and read. I'd meant to be reading Owen Archer (medieval) mysteries, but my Amazon order's been delayed, so I'm reading Egyptian-ish mysteries. Note the key word there being mysteries, which I don't often read, but seem to be able to read when I can't concentrate on anything else. I did make some desultory inroads on clearing my worktable on Thursday, and that's a good thing.

I should be trying to choose a story for gen_remix, but am rather discouraged, as there doesn't seem to be anything to do with my remixee's stories; they're all quite tight. And I have, what, four weeks left, so I must choose something in the next week. I am doing my best to take it as a challenge and not let it overwhelm me. But I'll be glad to get back to my own stories when the remix is over.

Toolboy seems to have acquired a girlfriend (through no fault of his own), and he's brought her around thrice to see me. Unannounced, so I was not at my best. But I rather like her, and I think that she may very shortly need her own sobriquet. She tests electronic equipment at the shipyards... hmm. ElectroGirl? Ohmswoman? Technorata? Ammetra? Must think, what goes with tools and power...

Had some lovely strawberries for supper. Yesterday, caught ten minutes of an interview with Alton Brown behind the scenes of Iron Chef America. Honestly, is there anything that doesn't go better with Alton? You could add him to cake.

Well, that's enough randomness for one day; My pillow's calling. Happy mid-May.

ficathons, nieflings, rl, alton

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