Letter Meme - D

Apr 24, 2007 01:28

I see the letter meme is going around again, which is quite convenient for me, since I've been meaning to do it anyway. Some time ago, sallymn gave me a D, but I misread the instructions and got confused. (Sometimes a Duh moment stretches out a bit, yanno?) But I'm not confused any longer, at least about this. Therefore:

To do this meme you need to be given a letter. When you've been given a letter, you must list ten things you like that begin with that letter. If anyone asks for a letter, give them a letter and tell them to do this meme.

1. Digression - as in, a wandering conversation, which is where so many interesting ideas are found. As in, I am often digressive. Probably exacerbated by the fact that I am xNxP--but I digress.
2. Dollop - a dollop of whipped cream or hair mousse sounds so much better than a blob of the same, don't you think? And because I once saw a TV segment about a woman who makes perfect dollops of Cool Whip for a living, it reminds me of the .sig file on my E-mails.
3. Dumpling - as in, the lovely pastry bites in my mother's blackberry cobbler. Or as in My Dumpling, also known more widely as Jarriere.
4. Dimple - My Dumpling has dimples. So does bibliohippo. They make me laugh.
5. Djinn - my favorite spelling of the word sometimes rendered 'jann', 'jinni', 'genie', or other variations. Somewhere there's a floppy disk bearing the first two pages of a short story I meant to write, called 'Djinn Taxi'.
6. Dates - not as in calendar dates, or going out on a date, but as in that intense, succulent fruit often found in stories with djinn. Strongly associated with my childhood Christmases, and therefore (along with their flavor) likely to make me very happy. Especially if they are...
7. Dromedary - the brand of dates we most often bought. When I was a toddler, my dad amused himself by teaching me Latinate names for animals - pachyderm, camelopard, bactrian, dromedary. A dromedary is a one-humped camel, a bactrian a two-humped camel. This confused me for a bit, until I realized that the camel on the package of Dromedary dates had only one hump.
8. Dragees - those nearly inedible silver sugar balls made ostensibly for decorating cakes and cookies. When I was small, my favorite Christmas cookie cutter was of a Dromedary. I always decorated their harnesses with silver dragees; in consequence, nobody ever wanted to eat them. Ah, me.
9. Defenestration - this is simply a word that I love. It means 'the act of throwing something out the window', which I had a terrible time remembering until I realized that the German for window is 'fenster'. Since I have read that you should not threaten to defenestrate someone unless you intend to follow through with it, you can see how vital it is to remember what it is. ;-)
10. Dictionary - a thing of joy; the place to find all these lovely words. The world would be a better place if more people consulted them more often.

joy, memes, hippodays

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