
Apr 02, 2007 21:09

Problems with the router kept me off the 'Net for a couple of days; now Netscape crashes every time I sign into LJ. I'm using IE instead, though I hate to.
I've been using the free time to catch up on some of the TV I've taped, including The Dresden Files. It's a moderately enjoyable example of the genre, given the constraints of the format. Oh, and I <3 Bob (though I doubt regular readers of this journal needed to be told that).
But watching so much TV in a row has made me realize just how much storytelling power has been lost by carving out another five or six minutes for commercials over the last twenty-odd years. That's enough time in TV land for a whole 'nother subplot. And with that loss comes the need for better writing, which we don't often get (again, because of format constraints). It's a rare show when I can't tell whodunit the first time they show up on the screen.
I've come up with what I think is a workable written outline for my remix fic. Now I only hope that I can get it done on time, and that it meets the wordcount.
The current crop of meta on 'harshing the squee' has me angry. Nearly enough to meta myself, but I have so many thoughts on the matter that I'm afraid I'd be incoherent. In a nutshell: Controlling your own LJ space isn't a difficult thing to do. Make your rules for your own space explicit, and don't try to control the rest of the internet. Because that ain't gonna happen, nor should it.
BTW, am I the only one that thinks "tl;dr" is about the rudest abbreviation on the 'Net? Why respond to something you didn't read? And why tell the person about it? Seems like the height of arrogance to me.

writing, ficathons, meta

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