Here, ficcy, ficcy!

Mar 17, 2007 19:21

1] So! The index for the 2007 Multi-Fandom Lyric Wheel is up. There are several Doctor Who stories, several Stargate, and one each of Farscape, House, Numb3rs, and The Pretender. Go, read, review! (Review links are at the bottom of the story headers.)

In particular I want to point out the Numb3rs fic that izhilzha wrote for me, Alms for the Poor, featuring Charlie, Amita, Larry, and Megan.

And my own House, M.D. fic, Changing All the Time, features Cameron, with a side of Wilson.

2] Independent of the Lyric Wheel, izhilzha has written a sweet Numb3rs ficlet about Larry saying goodbye to his house. Larry fans should go, read, review!

ficathons, house, numb3rs, fleinhardt, fic

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