Grrr! Aargh!

Jun 29, 2006 22:07

::sigh:: Am vaguely depressed. Yesterday evening I went for a nap and slept all night (I didn't feel well) and thus failed to do my writing exercise for the day. Which means that with only three days left to go to meet my goal of thirty consecutive days, I choked. Now I must start over. Of course the exercises are doing me a lot of good, but I was looking forward to crossing something off my list, and also to spending more of my writing time on fic. So it's not a huge disaster, but I hate it that once again I was so close to accomplishing something, and I failed. I was so determined to succeed, and yet it's almost as if my subconscious did it to me deliberately.

Oh, well. There's six more months in the year, I'll just try again.

writing, goals

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