Fic snippet meme

Jun 26, 2006 08:03

From all over: Post a little snippet of your current WIPs and if so inclined tell us a little bit about them.

I won't do all the WIPs, but here are a few in different fandoms:

Blakes 7:

Don't panic, he told himself. Think! But that was easy to say and hard to do when your heart was pounding out standard by six so hard that your lungs didn't have room to inflate; when being an outlaw was still new, and guns and guards and sudden death were even newer; when it was hard enough to take care of yourself but now you had to look out for someone else as well, and your only escape was the teleport, but today it wasn't there, today it was another level up, just out of reach, and if you couldn't get there it might as well be on another planet.

Don't panic? He began to suspect that he already had.



"He sounds a little full of himself, if you ask me." Charlie checked his watch. "Well, if he's to be here at 11:55 precisely, that's in precisely three minutes. In precisely four minutes, I'm heading for the cafeteria."

"Yes, yes, mock all you want, Charles. But I'm sure the man will be here. My friend may be a little eccentric--"

"Imagine that."

"--but a formidable intellect, nonetheless--"

"Again, I'm shocked."

"--and when he says 'precisely', I'm inclined to take him at his word."


Harry Potter:

Each year on his birthday, by arrangement with Dumbledore, Snape looked into the Mirror of Erised.



Kate walk[ed] alongside him, her arms full of branches. "What did you mean," she asked him, "'The numbers are bad'?"

"What? Oh, nothing." She wouldn't believe him; nobody ever did.

"It's not nothing. You were scared."


"Hurley, if there's something we need to know--"

"It's just a feeling, okay? There's something bad down there, I know it." He paused and waited for her to shoot him down. When she didn't, he dared to add, "Don't go. It's too dangerous."

She frowned. "We need a place to hide from the others. Locke thinks--"

"Hey! Locke is looney tunes, or hadn't you noticed?"



O'Neill thought for a moment. Should he go along? Let's see, lunch with Carter, or stand around and watch Teal'c lean on his staff weapon while Daniel pored over rock carvings? Lunch with Carter, or . . . rats. He was the team leader, he ought to at least make the offer. "You want me to come? Give me a minute to get my gear, I'm there."

Teal'c inclined his head. "That is not necessary, O'Neill. XP-432 is a secure planet, and General Hammond has already approved our trip. He agrees that one Jaffa will be sufficient protection for one archaeologist, however accident-prone."

"Okay, cool." O'Neill looked at Daniel, who looked mildly affronted by the description, but nodded in agreement. Great, then, O'Neill could get back to more important things. "How's the spaghetti today?"

Daniel's forehead wrinkled. "How did you know what we had for lunch?"

O'Neill shrugged. "Well, it could be that I'm psychic. Or, it could be the tomato sauce on your collar."

Daniel looked down in dismay. He pulled out a handkerchief and wiped at the offending smear. "Teal'c, why didn't you tell me?"

"You did not ask me, Daniel Jackson."


I must confess, I'm proud of the Stargate, since it's my first try writing these characters. ::sigh:: Okay, that's a fun meme, but got to actually get back to writing now...

hurley, avon, sg-1, snape, fleinhardt, fic, hp, lost, memes, numb3rs, b7

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