Look! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... no, it's a bird

Jun 15, 2006 19:18

I have, on occasion, told temeres that he would enjoy my front yard, because of all the birds. Common birds for this area, but still plenty of them. I don't know anything at all about birds, but I've still managed to see pheasant, quail, robins, thrushes, ravens, several varieties of hummingbirds, and a dozen other species I can't name. Plus occasionally, you hear the thunk of a woodpecker.

Today, there was no need to go into the front yard. The birds were in the living room.

Long story short: spent the day in bed with a headache and reluctantly woke up to, as I thought, birds chittering loudly outside my window. Puttered around the bedroom for a couple of hours, finally went out into the rest of the house and saw something rather too large for a moth swooping down the hall. Followed it into the living room, and there was a pair of birds, type unknown but the size of large robins, sitting on the living-room light fixture. Apparently Dad had left my door open when he brought the groceries in, so the birds had been in the house for hours. I'd feel sorry for them, except that I feel sorrier for me. ::sigh:: Now I've got to spend the evening spot-cleaning the carpet and checking the rest of the house for... you know.


I feel like Monk: "Nature! I've got Nature on my hand!"

Oh, well, look on the bright side. It could have been raccoons.
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