This week in Mistory

May 26, 2006 04:10

1) Tuesday Rocketboy drove bibliohippo and me to the DMV and I became the proud (if temporary) owner of a State ID in my old (current) name. The picture is, of course, pretty rotten, but I don't care since I don't intend to keep it long. I had to sign over my driving privileges to get it, though; surprising how much of a wrench that was, since I hate to drive and haven't done so in at least ten years. Actually getting the ID was startlingly easy, though: I'd been told they'd beefed up the requirements, but the only proof of identity I had to show was my six-years-expired driver's license.

Next I have to do a little more research, in order to decide whether I need to replace my lost Social Security card before going further down the name-change road.

2) Today we celebrated Toolboy's birthday, which is in a few days. Yummy steak, potatoes, grilled veggies, and homemade butter-pecan ice cream. I gave the birthday boy Band-Aids and antibiotic cream, and admonished him to retain all his body parts for another year.

3) On the fanfic front, I've tried to write kerravonsen's drabble and thrown it out as unworkable; I'll have to start over. I've also discovered that it's difficult to switch straight from writing Larry Fleinhardt to writing Severus Snape, which is causing me a bit of a problem (because, don'tcha know, I stopped working on that fic right at the point of changeover).

4) I've also watched several season finales this week, and so far managed to resist the temptation to wax ineloquent about them. I will say that I'm going to miss the cancelled Conviction. It's not that it was particularly special, but I did like finally seeing Eric Balfour in a part that I thought really suited him. And my ship came in in the last episode, which was different and satisfying, since I rarely ship anybody, and when I do, it never seems to become canon. I guess it's good to have it end there, since now my ship can't be sunk.

5) Thrilled that the main TV season is over. Now perhaps I can catch up some on my writing, and watch a few things I've been taping (like Lost). And I've got my fingers crossed that there aren't many new things I want to watch in the fall.

hp, writing, numb3rs, snape, fleinhardt

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